Monday, June 9, 2008

Fist day back in a long time!

Took the past month to:
1.) Move the wife and all of our "stuff" back from Wisconsin.
2.) Do a shit-ton of work around the house - gardening, clearing, chainsaw-age, etc.
3.) Help /DN move from AZ.
4.) My boxing gym moved to my town from the next town over (10 minute bike ride instead of 20 minute drive!) and he just re-opened.

Tonights workout was brutal:
6 rds rope
3 rds footwork
3 rds shadow box
3 rds mits
1 rd hvy bag

I was outta gas at that point, so I took a break, then did 5 rds of the following for time (Crossfit-lite):
10 burpees
10 pullups

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