Thursday, January 31, 2008
Wednesday, January 30, 2008
Monday, January 28, 2008
Interesting Thing Happened Today
Sunday, January 27, 2008
A Short Hiatus
eggs, toast, jam, coffee, apple
V8 and Almonds and rasins
Pita with Hummus, tomatoe, cucumber and water
two pitchers of sam adams and hot wings.
20 minute core workout:
ab roller - kneeling
ab roller - partial standing rollouts
russian twists with medicine ball
supermans (lower back)
swiss ball leg pull-ins (these things totally suck)
swiss ball supermans
Saturday, 26th, took a day off - ate
2 eggs, toast, coffee, orange
latte and cornbread muffin
pizza (was sooooo good)
sat around, worked a lot, and enjoyed a rest.
Today, Sunday, 27th, ate:
3 small pancakes (silver dollar size) with a touch of syrup, 2 eggs over easy, and a cup of tea.
No lunch
Latte and turkish coffee
Grilled Chicken salad and Hungarian cabbage noodles (Kaposztas Kocka) and water.
6 rds rope
3 rds footwork
3 rds shadow box
3 rds mitts
3 rds hvy bag
3 rds speed bag
Saturday, January 26, 2008
Friday, 25 January
Thursday, January 24, 2008
3 rds footwork
3 rds shadow box
3 rds mitts
10 rds hvy bag
3 rds speed bag
2 eggs, coffee, ok, kefir, bread with jam, 2 kiwis
cottage cheese, coffee
almonds and rasins, greek coffee
V8, apple
2 pita with tzatziki, tomato, cucumber, hummus, chicken, 2 glasses of cool refreshing coke
bread with jam, V8
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
More Left Hook Deathray...
MMA left hook king, Jens Pulver...
3 rds footwork
3 rds shadow boxing
12 rds mitts
"Alice" - (5 pullups, 10 pushups, 15 squats in 20 minutes...)
13 sets (not particularly great... 65 pullups, 130 pushups, 195 squats)
Feeling slow today - it is cold and I'm a bit stressed with work.
2 Eggs and 3 pancakes, coffee, oj
small pizza (I'm feeling cold a lot, need more food!) and Guinness
Chicken breast, 2 tomatos, piece of French bread, 12 oz Coke (I have my vices!)
I Caved Day
The left hook...
The trainer, John Walsh, himself a former amatuer fighter, placed the utmost importance on a solid left hook, calling it the right handed-boys best friend. (If you're a southpaw, you have no friends anyway...) On that note, I work my left hook technique to the max every day, mainly with jab-hook combos and step-hook combos. I'm not an MMA guy, and while I might start to get interested in it, I doubt I'll ever be able to really put it into play like I know I can my punches. What I do find hearkening is that that a good punch can be a one-shot deal and this occurs much faster and much more frequently than people would like to admit. A sampling below:
6:53 into it...
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
another somewhat slow day
12 rds rope
6 rds footwork
6 rds shadow box
6 rds mitts
6 rds hvy bag
6 rds speed bag
20 minutes core workout:
wheel rollouts starting from kneeling to half standing.
100 situps-flat
2x25 cross crunches
oatmeal, oj, coffee (black)
Kefir, almonds, cranberries
Pita with hummus, tomato, cucumber, tzatziki
Greek coffee (with splash of half and half)
hot chocolate
2 cups coffee (black)
OJ, mac'n'cheese (didn't feel like cooking...), a few glasses of water
Ross Training Rocks!
I've been able to do a handful of standing wheel rollouts using a store bought, single-wheel ab roller! The muscle group that I find most challenged, personally, is the lower back. If your lower back is weak, then you won't be able to generate the reverse motion. What one guy at the gym found most challenging was the abdominal section on reversal. I guess the ab wheel will test the weakest link in your core.
What Ross shows is a very advanced movement that most people won't be able to accomplish until they spend a few months of diligent work with the roller... The kneeling rollouts are challenging and the partial rollouts really kick it up a notch!
Monday, January 21, 2008
slow day
Sunday, January 20, 2008
Range drills and developing a plan to better your shooting...
Work on trigger control by dry firing at home, work on mag changes at home, work on gun handling and the rules at home, work on holster work at home and finally, develop a "workout" plan for shooting at the range. I dunno, something like:
~25 Rounds slow fire in groups of 5.
~24 Rounds double taps in groups of 6.
~24 Rounds triple taps (Mozambique) in groups of 6.
~24 Rounds double tap transitions (between 3 targets/notecards) in groups of 6.
~25 Rounds slow fire in groups of 5 to cool down.
You could throw in a session a week to work on 75' slow sighted fire, or throw in a session off transitions between 5 targets with 5 rounds (bowling pin-esque practice), or point shooting (coarse aim)/point shoot from the hip/point shoot from across body/...
The point is that range time should be an extension of everything that you've worked/out at home or learned at home. I had an Olympic Air Rifle coach tell me that shooting is really 99% mental and he was totally right. The act of putting the sights and target and twitching a few muscles are acts that should be learned at home. [For those into the OODA-loop, it is what Boyd called the last stage, "ACT", and that is easy for anyone who has the technical stuff under the belt to do... Getting into the position where you won't get killed trying to act or whatever is the tough part!! Granted moving and shooting, bob-n-weave, and being tacticool are very physical, but they are part of the OOD cycle!]
(This is sort of a cross post from my other blog...)
Yesterday and today
6 rds rope
3 rds footwork
3 rds shadow box
3 rds mitts
3 rds hvy bag
3 rds speedbag
3 rds two-man pivot jab drills working on distance
50 pushup
25 med ball pushup
Scrambled eggs with avocado
Skirt steak with rice, salad, green beans
1 LaBatt beer
6 rds rope
3 rds footwork
3 rds shadow box
3 rds mitts
3 rds hvy bag
3 rds speedbag
French toast and half an apple and half an orange coffee
Lunch burrito with 2 scrambled eggs table spoon of refried beans
tomato, tbps four cream and salsa
1/2 corn bread muffin
1/2 cupcake
fantastic four for a fantastic day
Saturday, January 19, 2008
do nothing.
Coffee and a scone
Soup salad and half a mushroom and Swiss pie
Brownie and coffee
2 slices of pepperoni pizza
2 eggs over easy and toast with jam
Apple and the last 2 slices of pizza
Lamb kofta on pita with salad and onions
Thai smorgasbord (we had a friend that had never had Thai before!!):
2 crab rangoons
2 small satay chicken
1 helping lard na with tofu
2 helpings pad Thai with chicken
1 helping paneng curry with chicken and some rice
2 sigha beers
2 scoops fried ice cream vanilla and coconut
And some of the wife's fried banana
(It sounds like it was more than it really was... The place has good
food, but portions are just barely enough for splitting...)
Just needed to take it easy yesterday...
Thursday, January 17, 2008
almost friday
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
Fellow Fitness Bloggers
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
Forgot my eats!
Oatmeal and coffee
Coffee and a kiwi
Orange chicken and rice...x2 (it was sooo good! Was a box from costco!)
3 steak tacos and corn
tuesday, 15 january
monday, 14 january
Monday, January 14, 2008
morbid tales
1/2 bowl old Irish oatmeal
2 AMP TallBoy Sugar Free Energy Drinks
2xLarge Americanos
1/2 Detour Protein Bar
Wafflehouse cheese-steak omlette
ham steak
2tsp Grits
3 cup coffee
Workout consisted of running frantically with 4 laptops and a large CIA garment bag thru 3 airports and traipsing across the country from Coast to Vegas to Coast.
Strangely enough, the energy expended today has left me with an endorphin rush, and a feeling that I ran a marathon. Back to weights at some point tomorrow.
failure, which was 11 minutes (78 total).
Boxing class x2:
6 rds rope
6 footwork
6 rds combos
6 rds mitts
6 rds hvy bag
6 rds speed bag
Breakfast: 6 silver dollar pancakes & coffee
Lunch: half tuna sandwich and tomato soup
Snack 2 rolls and coffee
Dinner: chicken pita, tomatoes, onions, feta, cucumber. Cup of
chowder. Coffee. Apple.
(I'm hungry a lot now...)
Sunday, January 13, 2008
Pistol draw stroke
Dryfire and visualization
Target hold (bullseye-style)
Eye/hand transitions (engage multiple targets)
Breakfast/lunch: ham sandwich and coffee and a roll at Panera
Snack: coffee and 2 kiwis
Snack: coffee and 1 cookie at neighbors (had to be polite)
Dinner: cassoulet and green tea
whoops! Last night's super-quickie burner workout
200 over rope
15 1/2Burpee-pushups
6 Slow Crucifix w. Clubbells
Rinse repeat 5X inside of 12 minutes - I think my time was something like 1030. Would have been a touch faster but the dobermonky insisted at lying near my feet during the jump-rope sections.
People Magazine, Jan 21, '08
What is especially funny is that she isn't really a gosip person at
all. Anyway, she showed me an article (page 135) that is about three
women who did an online dieting/exercise buddy program.
Its pretty neat and the motivation of having a buddy to share with
helps keep interest high. I think that is part of the success of
things like crossfit.
Saturday, January 12, 2008
one big fat upset stomach continued...not fun
friday, 11 january
Friday, January 11, 2008
50 pushups
10 diamond pushups
4x10 rubber band pushups
10 fingertip pushups
10 knuckle pushups
15 mintues of footwork
15 minutes of shadow box working jabb-hook combos.
I've decided to post my food intake here again too for reference. I figure I'll post dinners on the next days' post.
2 scrambled eggs
1 croissant + 1/2 teaspoon of jam.
2 cups of coffee and thimble full of cream
Small glass of OJ
Shredded beef pita
2 tomatoes
1/4 cucumber
Some tzatziki yogurt sauce
1/4 Kiszka
1 can Guinness
Thursday, January 10, 2008
Jump in the Cold Water
Wednesday, January 9, 2008
Out Now, the Food Count?
Tuesday, January 8, 2008
Fear My Home Gym...

On Saturday the wife and I found some great floor covering material at the local Menards while fishing for cheap tile and other home-gear. While looking at the stuff I realized that I really missed having my own workout room and that working out in my basement near the kitty litter just plain 'ol sucked. We decided to come home, measure the room and head back for it on Monday.

Tonight, after dinner, boxing, walkies, etc, we took all the crap out of our first floor bedroom (we were using it for staging/storage during our remodeling escapades!) and put the floor down. Bought up the weights, racks, unfurl'd the eliptical machine (I use it when there is too much snow to go outside and run... Not the same but better than nothing...), and realized that the ceiling is actually high enough to do burpees and jump rope!!

So why is this actually important?
There is a guy at my boxing gym that is going to fight in the Chicago Golden Gloves this year (2.5 months away!) and he is sucking air by the end of the 2nd round during easy practice! His form is ok, but he just isn't fit enough to fight to win... I compare this with the guys at my old who gym ran six days a week and trained five nights a week; one of them won middle weight last year. My money is on the guy that has done his work outside of the gym as well.

Going to the gym to learn how to punch and do footwork is really important - it forms a lot of what I try to spin my cycles on - but doing pushups, situps, roadwork, extra sessions of rope, squats, pullups are just as important and they can be done at home prior to the knowledge sessions that compose a good class. Having a room that makes these pursuits a reality is very very nice and saves a ton on gym fees.
Lastly, don't think this doesn't apply to other training as well! I now have space to work on dryfire, transitions, drawstroke, reload, X-marks-the-spot and other fun stuff as well! Just having space to work on motion, visualization, etc is HUGE!
Ello Ello
- small latte
- granola with milk
- small salad with cashews, chicken bits, cilantro and asian dressing
- mango lassi drink
- 1ltr. tea
- glass of beer
- plate of assorted veggie salads (soybeans, chickpeas, lentils, eggplant, etc), 3 onion rings and 1 pepper popper
- 1 tiny square of chestnut tiramisu (chestnut puree and ricotta, no eggs or cream)
Monday, January 7, 2008
Anyway, down to business:
3 Rds. jumprope
6 Rds. shadow box and footwork drills. Mixed counts - start with one count (e.g. "1"), then progress to 2 count, 3 count, 4 count, etc... (e.g. "+,2,3,pivot,weave-right,2,3,2")
3 Rds. focus mits
3 Rds. heavy bag
50 situps
25 medicine ball situps
5x5 Russian twist with medicine ball
- back to work, that in as of itself is a workout, 10 hours straight after only 2 hours of sleep
- 25 minutes stair circuit (45 steps up, then level then sloped down then level then back up the stairs - about 8 times in each direction)
- 3x20 crunches
- 3x20 lateral crunches
- 3x20 leglifts side and back
- 5 vertical crunches (legs straight up, short tight movement forward)
- 10 streches for my scoliosis (small movement but very effective)
- 2 latte morning
- 1 mini bagel with cream cheese
- 100 gr. apple/pineapple sauce
- 2 bowls of lemon chicken veggie soup (leftovers are yummy)
- 4 pieces of Knäckebrot with Kalles Kaviar (I get cravings for the saltiness)
- 1 apple
- gratin of celeriac and fennel with a pesto of pecans, lemon juice, parmesan and oil
- 2 hours of moving furniture (up 2 flights or narrow stairs)
- 2 hours of cleaning, hanging stuff on walls, etc
- 1/2 hour MBTshoe walk
- 100 gr. rice cakes
- 1 latte (small)
- 100 gr. roasted chestnuts
- 2 bowls of lemon chicken veggie soup
- 1/2hr walk
- 2 hours of moving furniture
- 1 mini bagel with cream cheese
- 1 coffee with 2% milk (lattes are just not super size here like they are in the US)
- 1 cup mustard apple cider soup
- 1 small plate (mini for US sizes) gem lettuce with mushrooms
- 80 gr. veal filet
- 1/2 cup roasted veggies
- 1 potato baked
- 1 espresso
- 1 helping of tiramisu (marscapone but no eggs)
- 1hour walk and
- 3x20 crunches
- 3x20 lateral crunches 10 per side
- 3x20 leglifts side and back
- 5x wussie pushups (trust me, even that was a pain in the stomach)
- 100 gr. yogurt
- 200 gr. apple/pearsauce
- lots of tea
- 100 gr. ricecakes
- 1 apple with cheese
- 3 pieces of dry toast with Kalles Kaviar (cod roe spread from IKEA)
- 1 bowl of lemon chicken veggie soup
- Still recovering with 100 gr. ricecakes
- 1 liter of tea and bouillon
- 100gr apple/pearsauce, 100 gr. bifidus yogurt
- and a half hour walk
AM PM Sunday
Running laps and shooting targets w. 7.62x39 @ 75 meters
Rain/sleet and cold make this much more challenging than it sounds.
Bent Over Row 4x10x185
Pulldown 4x10x210
Narrow seated pulldown 2x25x90
Incline Bench Press 3x15x165
Flye 3x15x35
Sunday, January 6, 2008
Friday, January 4, 2008
Ready for 'em post food-poisoning style
30x per side - Legs are darting off of the X (centerline) while executing 1 hand palm strike followed by the rapid deployment of a karambit with opposing hand. The key is to execute the motion in a piston-like fashion (boom (MOVE!) boom (STRIKE!) boom (CUT!) and not simultaneously. Bobbing/weaving and changing height keeps this movement fresh and invigorating!
15x per side - Dog catcher style ecqc response to deal with a blade followed up with movement, drawing from concealment placing sights in appropriate places.
8 minutes - Heaven six count with blade and tomahawk
Overhead Squat: 5 sets 6 reps X 135lbs
Burpees: 5 x 10
Hanging Leg raises: 5 x 15
Overhead seated barbell Arnold press 4x15x45
Standing Dumbell Shoulder Press 3X10x50
Thursday, January 3, 2008
120 dips.
(I bogart'd the Crossfit routine, but don't have space to do kipping pullups, let alone muscle ups... Wife has the car, missed the boxing workout.)
1 Grapefruit & cup of coffee with cream
2 Cups of coffee with cream
Hummus tzatziki pita with 2 tomatoes and 1/8 cucumber
1 Kiwi
Bread with Jam
2 Chipotle sauce and veggie enchiladas
Seltzer Water
1/2 Apple