Sunday, January 13, 2008

whoops! Last night's super-quickie burner workout

Jump Rope 1K over the rope broken up into a super-set of other motions as follows:

200 over rope
15 1/2Burpee-pushups
6 Slow Crucifix w. Clubbells

Rinse repeat 5X inside of 12 minutes - I think my time was something like 1030. Would have been a touch faster but the dobermonky insisted at lying near my feet during the jump-rope sections.

1 comment:

andi said...

Hey Dan, funny about the dobermonkey, Our cat has been watching me with intense fascination when I start doing my crunches and obliques. He keeps walking around my head and I have to hope I don't bump my head into him. Makes it hard to keep up your rythm.