On Saturday the wife and I found some great floor covering material at the local Menards while fishing for cheap tile and other home-gear. While looking at the stuff I realized that I really missed having my own workout room and that working out in my basement near the kitty litter just plain 'ol sucked. We decided to come home, measure the room and head back for it on Monday.

Tonight, after dinner, boxing, walkies, etc, we took all the crap out of our first floor bedroom (we were using it for staging/storage during our remodeling escapades!) and put the floor down. Bought up the weights, racks, unfurl'd the eliptical machine (I use it when there is too much snow to go outside and run... Not the same but better than nothing...), and realized that the ceiling is actually high enough to do burpees and jump rope!!

So why is this actually important?
There is a guy at my boxing gym that is going to fight in the Chicago Golden Gloves this year (2.5 months away!) and he is sucking air by the end of the 2nd round during easy practice! His form is ok, but he just isn't fit enough to fight to win... I compare this with the guys at my old who gym ran six days a week and trained five nights a week; one of them won middle weight last year. My money is on the guy that has done his work outside of the gym as well.

Going to the gym to learn how to punch and do footwork is really important - it forms a lot of what I try to spin my cycles on - but doing pushups, situps, roadwork, extra sessions of rope, squats, pullups are just as important and they can be done at home prior to the knowledge sessions that compose a good class. Having a room that makes these pursuits a reality is very very nice and saves a ton on gym fees.
Lastly, don't think this doesn't apply to other training as well! I now have space to work on dryfire, transitions, drawstroke, reload, X-marks-the-spot and other fun stuff as well! Just having space to work on motion, visualization, etc is HUGE!
1 comment:
That was a really smart idea
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