Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Was the only one there today... got a great one on one, but I'm still fucking up my left hook.

12 rds rope
6 rds footwork
6 rds shadow box
6 rds mitts
6 rds hvy bag
6 rds speed bag

20 minutes core workout:
wheel rollouts starting from kneeling to half standing.
100 situps-flat
2x25 cross crunches

oatmeal, oj, coffee (black)
Kefir, almonds, cranberries
Pita with hummus, tomato, cucumber, tzatziki
Greek coffee (with splash of half and half)
hot chocolate
2 cups coffee (black)
OJ, mac'n'cheese (didn't feel like cooking...), a few glasses of water


andi said...

howdy, are the cross crunches what i call obliques? it is when you do a crunch but with your legs twisted to one side?

Less said...

Nope... It is like a sit up, but you rotate your arms so that your opposite elbow touches your knee.

Left elbow - Right knee

It is a combination exercise that works abs and obliques...

The obliques are a fairly weak muscle that IMHO doesn't need too much of a workout by itself. Doing this makes 'em work in unison with the abs, mimicing the motions that I do in real life (boxing stance pulled to one side...)